Our blogs
St Davids Day, by Miss Taylor
Super Teamwork in Softplay, by Miss Allen
Recycling superstars, by Mrs Fearon
Valentine Day, by Miss Taylor
Pancake fun, by Miss Taylor
World Book Week - Harry Potter Style, by Miss Taylor
Taking book day to the library, by Mrs Fearon
Searching for the wizards, by Mrs Fearon
Flipping pancakes, by Mrs Fearon
Getting connected..., by Mrs Fearon
Step in to Cherry's School of Wizardry!, by Miss Gibbins
Cherry Pancake Sale!, by Miss Gibbins
New Sensory Corner, by Mrs Williams
Book Week, by Mrs Williams
World Book Week, by Mrs O'Sullivan
World Book Day 2022, by Miss Allen
Anyone for a game of Quidditch ?, by Miss Allen
As Mad As A Box Of ..., by Miss Allen
Flipping Good Times !, by Miss Allen
You are wizards, Redwood Class!!, by Mr Thomas
Pancake Day, by Miss Dines
Spring sensory weather adventures, by Mrs O'Sullivan
World Book Week, by Mrs Briggs
Daffodils & Pancakes :), by Mr Thomas