Speech and Language Therapy

Role of the therapist
The Speech and Language Therapy team work collaboratively with school staff, students’ families, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy as well as working individually with the student.  The SALT team provides assessment, training and support for students with Speech, Language, Communication, eating drinking and swallowing difficulties.

Students can be referred into the service directly by parent/guardian or from within the school with parent/guardian consent. Once a referral is accepted, a student could be seen in school and at home.

Days you are in school
Hannah Cottrell - Tuesday,Thursdays and Fridays 

Faye Millar - Tuesdays and Thursdays

Contact information
The Speech and Language Therapy team can be contacted directly at school on 01244 313 065.

During school holidays, you can contact our main office based at The Countess of Chester Health Park on 01244 650 432.

Additional information
Below is a copy of the referral form, should you wish to refer your child.

Files to Download


Dee Banks School

Take a Journey through
our world where every
student matters!


Dee Banks SchoolSandy Lane, Chester, CH3 5UX

01244 667800 [email protected]


Dee Banks School

Take a Journey through
our world where every
student matters!