Peach 2024 - 2025
Emily Arnold
Staff: Emily, Stevie, Imogen and Christina
Welcome to Peach Class page :)
Peach class is a happy, lively and energetic class of six children. We follow the Informal Curriculum. We are all developing our early communication skills, physical skills and play skills. In Peach class, we love all things Sensory. We have multi-sensory learning opportunities throughout the day which engage and excite our learners. We also all love anything Musical, so music and dance are a big part of our day. We enjoy our TacPac and Dance Massage sessions, as well as lots and lots of messy play and sensory exploration. We incorporate Independence and Physical skills in all of our activities, and love our swimming sessions and playtimes outside.
Peach: Blog items
World Book Week, by Mr Thomas
A Very Kind Donation, by Mrs Mitchell
Huge, Great big thankyou!, by Mrs Mitchell